Saturday 28 March 2009


A few months ago, I consciously chose to awaken. The story is long, and maybe one day I'll go into the details but for now that's all the explaining I want to do. I chose to awaken. And since then, all kinds of (good) things have been happening to me. I need to write all of this down somewhere, some kind of brain barf so I remember what was going on during this time. I want to document it, in case some day I do awaken, and decide I want to help others with their journey. I want to remember what it feels like to step into woo woo land, to embrace the unknown, to feel weird beyond words.

This blog is for me. I am not writing this intending to cause controversy. I don't want everybody to agree with what is said here, nor do I want to think I hold the ultimate truth. I just want to write all these thoughts that swirl in my head, and release them out onto the universe. Feel free to disagree. Feel free to think I've gone crazy and leave. Also feel free to ask questions, share your own experiences, and feel understood.

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